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Exploring the holy texts or in today’s words “Bible Study” or “My Quiet Time”

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

How often do you actually dive into the Bible? Have you ever read the entire bible beginning to end, or chronologically? While cleaning out at mom and dad’s it was so amazing to us how many Bible study books they owned. We had one entire bin full of just bibles only. I was amazed how many times they had both read through the Bible all at once. The year that my grandmother died, my dad gave my mom a new Bible to read from beginning to end with the intent that this Bible would last for and throughout the first year of her death. When my mom passed even though I had been her primary caregiver, i was still not ready for her to pass.

In order to feel peace after mom died, I felt myself being held in Gods hands. Dear Lord please hold me in your hands and fill me with your strength, courage and peace. I too started the year with plans to finish reading the Bible from start to finish. But, then I realized, reading the scriptures from beginning to end, provides a great story. But doesn’t necessarily provide more knowledge of the scriptures to do so. I realized that simply reading provides the basic over picture of the full story but not necessarily the why’s or the understanding of the contextual meaning. The more I read, the more I wanted to read. It was a true story. Yet the further I went, the more I forgot. At mom and dads there were a lot of commentaries. There was probably about three sets of individual books written on a specific book of the Bible. So I decided this is the way I wanted to learn. More thorough study. a guided study one that would “test me” by asking questions about what i had just read. If I can write things down while reading it sticks so much better. Stormie O’Martian is a great author and speaker. So

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