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Marriage is a Three Way Part B

Before we begin to carry on with the love story of James and Flosi, Lets stop before we get started and take a look at what the Bible has to say about love. Read 1 Corinthians 13. This is known as the love chapter and its full of

"what the world needs now.

What the world needs now, is love sweet love.

No not just for some, but for everyone. This song by Jackie DeShannon says:

Love is the only thing that there's just too little of.

"Lord, we don't need another mountain,

There are mountains, and hillsides enough to climb.

There are oceans and rivers enough to cross,

Enough to last till the

end of time.

What the world needs now is love sweet love,

No, not just for some

but for everyone.

I Corinthians 13 tells us what true love really is. And believe me, if you want a marriage to last, you need to read through this chapter frequently.

How is marriage a three way? Marriage begins with the shared love of two people, a man and a woman created in the image of God and from the side of man.

Because God created man and woman in his image, God created marriage. Like piano lessons the best results come from a triangle relationship. In piano, that three way relationship is communication, support, effort, encouragement and discipline and responsibility between the parent, the student and the teacher. Communication is a huge factor because without adequate communication the three way parent, student teacher relationship can be harmed by emotions and misunderstandings. In a marriage communication plays the same exact role between God, husband and wife. God MUST ALWAYS be first. You know what they say..."A family that prays together, stays together." That is the absolute truth.

Marriage is a spiritual connection. A joining togather of two hearts, 2 souls and one Holy Spirit.

Marriage is a physical and an emotional connection of these 2 hearts, 2 lives, 2 souls and 2 physical bodies.

Marriage is actually a spiritual connection of 5 souls. The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, The Man created in the image of God and The Wife taken from man's side.

all joined together as one. Wasn't there a bible in that wedding ceremony? Didn't you say your vows, before God, your spouse and a gathering people? Hosea 2:19-20, Matthew 19:6 and Acts 4:32.

How can you read I Corinthians 13 and hold the hand of your spouse and pray to your Lord and creator together and not be successful in your marriage?

Well, God was right there in the midst of the Garden actually speaking to Adam and Eve, yet... selfish desire was encouraged by the devil and they gave into the temptation.

Marriage is hard enough with God, and near impossible to survive without him.

Why? Why is it so difficult to live with others? Why is it so hard to just share love with one another? Why is it so difficult to just share kindness along the way?

Especially if you have love.

Romantic love seems to have a way where the new wears off. "The Honeymoon is over".

Romantic love is often emotional love. Emotional love all on it's own is not strong enough to weather the storms. WHY? Same reason, emotions get in the way and take over. Selfish desire becomes the center of the relationship rather the God.

Love is not someone with emotions that expect to be on the receiving end. However, this is the way the world and society have brain washed us to believe in the Cinderella happily ever after. And why does this not work? Because two people expect the other one to be the giver and two people expect through selfish desires to be the receiver.

After reading I Corinthians, you have probably figured out by now that love and marriage are not about receiving gifts and kisses and holding hands. True. these things are important to have in a good marriage. But to expect the spouse to give them to you and being mad if he does't fullfill all your wildest dreams and desires once again falls under the catagory of More of self and less of thee.

True love is not receiving or expecting. It is giving. A giving of ones self. Ones mind, (to be like minded with each other), a giving of ones body, (your body is no longer your own, it now belongs to your spouse .) A giving of ones heart and of ones. soul.)

Do you give of yourself? Or, do your expect to be a receiver? Do you have a Three way marriage? Or is their a component missing. Or possibly one of you have added a component that shouldn't be there.

If you are expecting to the be receiver and not the giver, maybe there are two components missing. You and God both.

Wouldn't it be great if we could all bring more love to not only our spouse, but to the world as well.

If every person on earth, just for one hour, put their self aside and put someone else first, we would have a world with Love Sweet Love.

If you are not willing to be a giver, then you are part of the problem

If your desire is to be the receiver, then you are part of the problem.

How can we avoid being part of the problem?

What can we do to stop our selfish desires and spread the love?

#communicateasateam What should our focus be?

And back to James and Flosi....their first date was Sunday night church.

Stay tuned to learn more of this real life true love story of God and my parents. As my brother and I were so amazed at their life as we began unfolding more of their story.

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